Z-I-v Freestyle Showcase 2023 Singles Round 1 - RaverAce Feedback (formatting slightly edited by led_light for readability, but otherwise, the text remained untouched) -- - 8bit Princess [P1989] Beginner:10/10 Fundamentals covered Basic: 9/10 Patterns fit for a 7. I liked the freeze usuage that fits with the vocals at the end. Maybe I would have prefered some steps at the beginning of measures in parts, but I think I understand how the file was suppose to go. Difficult: 8.5/10 I think I know how the patterns were going at the beginning. At m33-m41, I think the patterns could have been done a bit better, maybe follow the vocals a bit more since I think it could still fit a 10. Maybe too many jumps at the preview, but that may just be a preference theme. Overall, still good. I liked the ending at m65. Expert 8/10 For expert, since it's what most people would play, I'm going to critique it more strictly. I think some of the best parts are at m41 with the breakdown & the preview part. M65 may be a bit wierd, but I think the patterns are good. Although I would prefer that you had a 4th arrow at the end, overall, it's still good. - Addicted to a Memory [kaystar] Beginner: 9/10 Fundamentals covered, though I think the steps I felt are 3/4 territory with the usage of 8th notes. Basic: 6.5/10 I felt the chart is a lot harder than a 6 since there are multiples of the 4th/16th rhythm (unlike the end of Theme From Enter The Dragon on the same difficulty). Feels like a 8 or a 9 even with 128 difficulty. I could understand the 4th/16th rhythm for the buildup in m17, but in m21, I felt those rhythm's didn't match the song or the difficulty of a 6. Not to say there were no good parts. Once again the buildup to m17 was good & could fit within a 6 if that was the only instance of the 4th/16th rhythm. I think the ending would also be good if the difficulty rating was a lot higher, but as it stands, I felt it's too much. Difficult: 7/10 Again I felt this to be a bit too hard for it's listed difficulty, although less then the basic difficulty. Patterns are good, it's just because the steps don't really get complicated until the drop at m21, I kinda feel like it may be a trap for some 11 players with the complex 16th rhythms in the drop (which was done good to try and fit.) Also, at m49, I kinda feel like some freeze arrows may have been added so that people would know to turn in that section then doublestep since once we get to around 11, that's when chart's start to do that. Overall, still good, but I just felt the difficulty to be a bit much for an 11 despite the 128 bpm. Expert: 8/10 Already looking back, good step progession for the bulidup to the drop at m21. Although a way to make the bulidup better at m17 is to do what you did in the difficult difficulty & at m19 to have a 16th stream in just like the 2nd drop at m45. Overall, nice steps at the drops, & the inclusion of 32 notes is a bit risky, I don't know how many songs have those kinds of notes at 128bpm, but I think it's alright. 1 last thing is that in the 1st drop, there were marked footswitches alongside a unmarked 1 at m44. I usually would have wanted that to be marked as well, but considering that there were marked footswitches already, & I don't really think there are many adequate spots at the 2nd drop to do 1, I think I won't critizize it much. Overall, great chart. - Always Smiling [kaystar] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals covered, I liked that the 4th jack's match up with the vocals for the most part. That's what kept it from going down since I did feel like the ending jack's weren't nessacary & maybe a bit hard for a 2. Basic: 9.5/10 Nice patterns for a 5. Once again I liked the way the jacks matched up with the song. The chart may be a bit twisty, but I think newcomers won't have a problem. A satisfactory risk with the spins with no breathing room at the end. Difficult: 9/10 Very good chart. I liked how you did the chorus. At the beginning, I think I knew that you wanted to start off easy before getting technical after the chorus, but I think the jump could have been removed in favor of following the kick pattern since I think it could still fit the realm of a 10 while also still maintaining uniqueness after the chorus. Other then that, great chart. Expert: 7.5 Already in the beginning there is a rhythm error as there isn't a 4th & a 16th in the kick pattern (more apparent since the 4/4 thump isn't there in m5.) This also happens at m25, I think you were trying to follow the synth pattern, but if you are going to do that, I think following it in full may have made a bit more sense. I did like once again how you did the chorus with the long freeze being accented by jumping jacks. The verses however I felt there could have been a 8th arrow added to those jumps since the vocals start at that point, & not having 1 that fits with the vocals is a bit jarring to me. I think what brings this down the most though I think is that I don't think the song itself is warrented for a 13. I felt the song is suppose to have this relaxing feel to it that's suppose to be a buildup as well as it feeling like an encore extra stage song, so I believe around a 11 or a 12 could have made a bit more sense because I see like 16th notes in the verses which I think I know what it accent's but I felt like the song just doesn't warrent it (usually harder songs could get away with this a bit more). Overall, still a good chart, but in a competition like this, I need to be a bit strict so that I don't just give 9's or 10's like candy unless it's like for the lower difficulties. - AZE GAG [MelodyLoveQueen] Beginner: 10/10 May be a bit much because of the long length, but I think it's fine. Fundamental's covered. Basic: 8/10 I think this chart could have followed the vocals better, but I think it's serviceable Difficult: 8.5 Feastable. I liked the repeated steps at the beginning right away. At m19, I thought there was an ambiguity issue, but I saw that both ways resolve without doublestepping so that's a plus. The reptition spots does give it a bit of variety to the chart. At m36, the jumps could fit with the trumpet, but the other ones didn't had that so I think you could have done something. I'm not sure what m68-m75 was but I guess it was following the music video. Overall, still good. Expert: 8.5/10 Chart looks like it could fit for a 13. At m15, the 12th placement was a bit awkward. I think the steps at m37 was done a lot better then the difficult chart. Very good chart all around. Not much to say. - Brother Louie '98 [Braeden47] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamental's covered. I think the jack's also followed the vocals well for a beginner chart. Basic: 9/10 Nothing to add, fundamentals are fulfilled. Difficult: 9/10 I liked how the 8th's follow the vocals in this one. Although there is a lack of crossovers in this one. Good otherwise. Expert: 9/10 May be able to fit the 12 rating due to the 118 bpm. In m14, there is a rhythm error as the vocals should have it in 16th's & not a 4th or 8th note (I think that could fit for a 12). I liked the 16th rhythms in the chorus, but the complexity in those rhythms may push it to 13 territory. Overall a very good chart. Challenge: 5/10 Immediately when I say footswitches, I kinda felt this chart's difficulty would fit the song. I see this as a 13 or if done properly, a 14 at the hardest, but not a 15. I think the footswitches is suppose to focus on the main melody, but I think the song doesn't call for that kind of a step to happen. At m40.5 to 45.5, I think the steps could have been a bit easier to fit more with the song. I think also because this chart doesn't really have a place to relax, & I felt that would have been the part to do it in. Overall, throughout the song, I felt it was way too overstepped for such a pop song. - Hard to Forget [DJEmbrace] Beginner: 10/10 Just because its a 2 on Arrowvortex means is a 2 in general. That being said, fundamentals are forfilled. Basic: 9/10 I liked how the freezes followed the chipmunk vocals. The crashes fit well with the jumps. I do feel like there could have been a few more jumps, but it may be too much for a 5. Difficult: 9/10 I felt you could have added a bit more of jumps to match certain parts of the song, but I think it's decent. Expert: 9/10 I liked how the cube synth was used for jackhammers & the crashes being done with the crossovers at m33-m40. The 16th's in m49 looks good, although I'm not sure of the 16th pattern at m52/m56 for an 11 although I think it fits. Overall, still good. Challenge: 9.5/10 The chart may have started a bit early for me, but this chart has some cool rhythms throughout the track. The main highlight for me is at the preview at m33 with the marked footswitches matching the melody, I felt that was memorable with the chart although I'm not sure about the 16th jackhammers at 133 bpm for a 14 (which I think fits). The part at m45 with the afronova walks is also a nice part. If it didn't had the 16th jackhammers I think there would be no question that it would fit a 14, but still I think this is a really good chart. - Hardbass festa [forcednature] Beginner: 10/10 Fundementals are covered Basic: 9/10 Really great chart. I do feel at m15 there should have been a chart. I also feel that with these 8th patterns at 158bpm, it could reach 9 territory. Still very good. Difficult: 9.5/10 Difficulty seems to match a 12. At m9-m13, I felt it may be a bit too left-facing so maybe that could be rearranged. Other then that, I felt the pattern's throughout were done very nicely. Great chart overall. Expert: 9.5/10 Chart looks to match a 16. At m13, the vocals don't break in the 16th section so I think if that was complete that would be nice. At m27 there is a kick pattern that I think could have been added since it would also be consistant with the rhythm pattern from m25 although I will give credit for you maintaining consistensy when this came up again in m59 . I liked this chart still a lot. I liked how you used the song at m50/53 with the freezes & hardstyle kicks, taking it easy until going hard again in the next 2 measures. I think at m62, I think it would have been better if you added in stops to that section. Other then that, great chart overall. - Karakurenai (Instrumental) [MEGAtive] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals were covered, & the patterns fit for a 4. Basic: 9/10 I liked how the freeze's fit the guitars. I do feel like however about the 8th usage at 170 bpm, I feel with that it would be a 9. Difficult: 9.5/10 Fits for an 11. The best part is at m43 with some much needed crossovers fitting with the heavy guitars as well as more complex patterns. The only thing that I think needs improving is at around m83 where I think there should have been jumps to go with the crashes for a good finale, but otherwise, still great. Expert: 8.5/10 The chart feels like a 15, although some parts are nearly 16 material. A thing I have to say is that it feels like a 13 in those sections aka. a bit easy, & there are parts in that melody that has the potential to add 16th rhythms into it so I think if you could add that it would more fit a 15. Other then that, I think this chart still is great. My favorite part is once again at m43 where the complexity of the patterns match with the song & the jumps are accented into something. Overall, great. - Mamma Mia [Venomothim] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered, & I liked the jack's matching up to the mama mia's & my my's. Already this does earns points for syncing up the song. Basic: 9/10 Really good usage of the steps to fit into the vocals. I think in the one's around m44, I think you could have a freeze on the left/right arrows, & have the arrows go down since there's only one crash in those my my's. Difficult: 9/10 Fits for an 8. I felt like this song may have a bit too many jumps, I think you could remove some of them to more emphasize the crashes (as well as the song being a bit chill). Other then that, solid chart. Expert: 9/10 Throughout this simfile, I liked how you tried to follow the vocals with various step patterns. Overall it's clean, it's just the song may put off players from playing it, but I think I have no problem playing this. Nothing stands out from me because it was consistensy good. - Never End [chrononical] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. Basic: 10/10 I think this song could fit for a 6 despite the 8th pattern. Not much to say, fundamentals are covered. Difficult: 10/10 11 looks like it's good. I loved how you did this chart despite the difficult difficulty. From the preview to the ending, this chart did everything to the gold standard. Very consistant quality throughout. Overall great. Expert: 9.5/10 This chart fits for a 14 & it goes nicely. The preview part is what I think is the best part because the complexity of that part is so intense yet you executed it with grace. I also liked in m69 how you used the song to have a good breathing section as well as fit with the song nicely. The only thing preventing this from a 10/10 is that I think the ending could have been made a little bit harder as the song was still going pretty much full force there. Other then that, this is a amazing stepchart. - Power of the Triforce [Ben Speirs] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are furfilled. Basic: 8.5/10 The chart I feel even at 195bpm could fit for a 6. Nice chart though I think there could have been a few crossovers in this song. Difficult: 9/10 Once again patterns are clean, & I think an 11 fits. Once again I felt there could have been some crossovers that could have been added. Expert: 10/10 This is the strongest of the bunch. Patterns fit for a 14, and nice use of the vocals throughout the charts I liked how you used the crossovers for some of the guitar rhythms. Overall great chart. - Revolution [chrononical] Beginner: 9/10 Fundamentals are furfilled, but there is a difficulty spike in the end that I felt is unnessacary for the beginner difficulty. Basic: 10/10 9 seems fair. I did like the consistentsy in the end with the spin. Jumps seem consistent throughout the song. Great job. Difficult: 8/10 Maybe it's just the song, but I felt like the notes are a little bit too complex for the beginning where mainly the only sound going on was the vocals. I also felt maybe of the patterns at m35 & it's repeat could have been a bit more complex, though it may be my preference. I did like the jumps at m42 and at m79. Overall, good. Expert: 8.5/10 Despite this being 209bpm, I do feel like since it lacks 16th arrows, that a 14 may be due, though the jumps do have an argument for a 15. At m19-m20, I would have liked if you could have mirrored the notes. Overall, I did like the spin jumps that were done throughout this simfile. Not the best, but still good. - Skyrider [Pandemonium X] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. Basic: 9/10 At m16, I think there should have been a spin to match to vocals (round & round). Other then that, good basic chart. Difficult: 8.5/10 Again, good steps, but m16 still I think could be improved. I had to go by the deadline so these difficulty ratings outside from expert/challenge will mostly be brief. Expert: 8/10 Personally, I think there were too many notes in the start. I felt that you could follow the snares before the buildup (I think difficult also had a bit of this). At m16 I'm glad that there is a spin, though I think you didn't need to do a freeze arrow at the down arrow so that you could add a jump, but the pattern is still good. At m42 & m46, you could have added some more 16th arrows to follow the rhythms. Overall, still good. - SPARK IN THE NIGHT [forcednat+ure] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. Basic: 9/10 Surprisingly chill for a 6 for Forcednature. Chart is good. Difficult: 9/10 Chart fits for a 10. Cool chart, though I wish there were a few crossovers. Expert: 9.5/10 Chart fits for a 15. Good patterns on the vocals & the rhythms at the part from m40 was done great! (Only thing is that I wish there was a jump at m40 to match the crash) The 2nd one at m85 was also nice as well. Overall excellent. - Spinning World [DJEmbrace] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. Basic: 9.5/10 At m10, I think a jump should not be there, instead only a regular step. Although I did like the theme of spins throughout this simfile. Nice job. Difficult: 9/10 Having a 24th in a 8 is a bit wierd, (I'm not sure if it fits instead of a 16th, I'll not deduct for that, but rather for it being in a 8). Nice spins, & good patterns throughout. Nice job. Expert: 8/10 Patterns may fit for a 12. I think you could have stepped the vocals a bit more at the part around m10. I also think at m28 going into m29 it got a bit sloppy as I felt you could have kept the swing part going and having a 16th in a chart that is swing style may throw people off. Other then that, still a good chart. - Stomp the Summer Sky [Venomothim] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. Basic: 8/10 The 1st note/m61 should have a jump in it. Again, nice job for syncing the song, but I felt this is not really a song for stepping. Still okay. Difficult: 8/10 Again, nice steps it seems, but the song feels like it's for a hub, not a dancefloor. Good chart still. Expert: 8.5/10 Again, the steps are okay, it's just the song that brings this down. I did like the slowdown, but that's about it. - The Ocean and You [Braeden47] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. Basic: 8/10 I felt there shouldn't be too many 8th notes in a 5. Still a okay chart. Difficult: 8/10 At m4, I felt there should be some jumps to emphasize the guitars & crashes. Notes feel like a 9 rather then a 8. With this being about 1:30, it's a bit more noticeable. Expert: 8/10 Notes are okay, but I felt this would be a 12 due to the amount of notes. M32 has a nice 12th pattern, but this I feel is a 12. Challenge: 8.5/10 This suffers a bit from eurobeat syndrom with some parts being a lot more difficult then the other parts. Other then that, notes do fit for a 15, but only barely. If there was a small bpm change at the end, nice job. - Vermilion [extraordiberry] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered, though I think this is a 2. Basic: 9/10 Again, I felt this to be a tad easy for a 7, I feel like its a 6 due to there being no 8th notes, other then that. It's good. Difficult: 9/10 At m4, I liked the afronova walk to the vocals. I think at m23, I think there could have been a 8th note to fit the piano. I understand that you were focusing on the piano melody at m39, but I think you could have followed the kick patterns because I felt this could fit for an 11. Still good. Expert: 9.5/10 I kinda wished at m4 that you could have used the afronova walk, but the rest of the chart was nice, & fits for a 15. Good performance throughout. - Vermillion [extraordiberry] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. Basic: 9/10 I felt this to be a tad easy for a 7, I feel like its a 6 due to there being no 8th notes, other then that. It's good still (& yes I basically copied this from the other chart of a similar name). Difficult: 8/10 At m27, I felt there could have been some patterns that matched the 16th synth pattern. Other then that, I think this could fit for an 11. Expert: 9/10 This is the strongest by far. I liked how you followed the pattern at m27 as well. Song length may be a little bit short, but it's still good. - Walk with you [MuineliM] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. (what is it with the sound quality though?) Basic: 8.5/10 Clean, but a bit basic. Difficult: 8/10 There's an error in terms of notes I think as almost all the notes are 8th notes (because I assume your a rookie, I didn't deduct, but make sure to double check before submitting). Going into the chart, it does fit for a 6, but it does feel a bit basic. Expert: 8/10 I feel like with these patterns and a bpm of 127 that this is a 9 due to this and plus a 12th pattern at m33. Other then that, it's fine. Challenge: 7.5/10 I felt there are too many steps at the beginning of the chart. I think the 16th notes are following the synth, but with the song's quality, I needed to listen closely to see where they belong. I also felt this to be a 13. It's still okay. - Why Do I [Ben Speirs] Beginner: 9/10 Fundamentals are covered, though with some 4th notes not having gaps, I think a 2 or a 3 may be more fair. Basic: 9/10 I feel like even with this being 100 bpm, I felt this could be a 6, though I could see this still being rated a 5. Going into the chart, it's nice. Difficult: 9/10 I think I could see this as being a 9 (although my gut does feel like a 10, especially with the 16th drills at m30). Great chart still. Expert: 9/10 Fits for a 13 I think thanks to the 100bpm. Best part is at m24. The stop before m28 seems good. Although I feel this may have a little bit too much of jumps, I did like how you used them. Other then that, great. - yellow head joe [P1989] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. Basic: 10/10 Notes fit for a 7 and the 8th notes do give this a bit of variety without going over the edge. Nice job. Difficult: 9.5/10 11 fits, though at m56, I didn't think the jackhammers fits. Other then that, its good. Expert: 9/10 Very good patterns for a 15. At m56, I think there should not be some patterns in that, but other then that, the chart was great! - Yuurei Tokyo [MuineliM] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered, although with the space, I think this could be a 2. (quality of the song could be better) Basic: 8.5/10 Chart fits for a 5, but may be a bit basic. Difficult: 8/10 Ambiguity could happen at m16. Ending could also be a bit nerfed since only the vocals were there, but overall it's still okay. Expert: 8/10 At the synth parts like inm18, I think you could have followed the synths a bit more. There were some other parts where I felt there could have been some more notes, but overall, still okay. Challenge: 7.5/10 I felt this had potential for a 14 as at m13, I think you could have followed the vocals more. I also think at m54, the 16th drill's didn't make sense as well as the 16th's in m62. Other then that, I think the stepchart is okay. - ≡+≡ [Pandemonium X] Beginner: 10/10 Fundamentals are covered. Basic: 9/10 I liked how the jackhammers fit with the synths, although I felt it was done a bit too much, I think you could have added some crossovers. Difficult: 9/10 Again I liked how you used some of the notes in this, I think this was aiming for repetition, & I think it's alright. While I think there could have been some more variety, I did like the ending. Expert: 9/10 I don't really know what to grade this as I did like the gimmick, but I felt there could have been some more variety, although I think the repetition is this song's gimmick. I'm just going to give it a 9 & call it a day.