2023-05-10 Chest and shoulders day: - Plank leaning forward 3x40s - Frog with straight elbows 3x40s - Pushups from wall 3x10. - ABS roll 3x10 - ABS 3x10 2023-05-12 Back and lever day: Warmup: Wrist bend pronation 10x3 Wrist bend supination 10x3 Straight body up to bar with straight arms 5x3 or ABS 10x3 Explosive Pull-Ups (15-20m): 0kg 3x3 10kg x1 15kg x1 20kg x1 25kg x1 30kg x1 or 20kg x3 Two rounds of warmup+exercise. Thu, May 11 2023 Andrew Tropin Message deleted Sun, May 14 2023 Andrew Tropin 2023-05-14 Leg and shoulders day: Warmup: Wrist bend supination 25kg bar 10x3 Shoulder internal rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 Shoulder external rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 Explosive Pull-Ups (10-15m): 0kg 3x3 10kg x1 17.5kg x1 22.5kg x1 27.5kg x1 32.5kg x1 Warmup: L abs 20s x3 Triceps on swedish ladder 10x3 Dragon flag 10s x3 Legs (15-20m): Lounges +10kg the whole gym and back x3 One-leg situps 10x3 for each leg Calfs 25-30x3 each leg Two rounds of pullups warmup+exercise. Tue, May 16 2023 Andrew Tropin 2023-05-17 Chest and shoulders day: Warmup: - ABS roll 3x10 - Wrist bend pronation 25kg bar 10x3 - ABS 3x10 Explosive Pull-Ups (10-15m): 0kg 3x3, 10kg, 20kg, 25kg, 30kg, 22kg x3 Warmup: - Shoulder internal rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 - Shoulder external rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 Push-ups (10-15m): - Ring Push-up 10x3 - leaning forward Push-up 10x3 Warmdown: - Wrist bend pronation 25kg bar 10x3 (better 30-35) Fri, May 19 2023 Andrew Tropin 2023-05-19 Rest day: 0kg 2x2 10kg x2 20kg x2 10kg x8 x8 x6 Sun, May 21 2023 Andrew Tropin 2023-05-21 Leg and shoulders day: Warmup: Shoulder internal rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 Shoulder external rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 Wrist bend supination 30kg bar 10x3 Leaning forward pushups 10x3 Explosive Pull-Ups (10-15m): 0kg 3x3 10kg x1 20kg x1 25kg x1 30kg x1 35kg x1 Warmup: L abs 20s x3 Triceps on swedish ladder 10x3 Dragon flag 10s x3 Legs (15-20m): Lounges +10kg the whole gym and back x3 One-leg situps +10kg 10x3 for each leg Calfs 25-30x3 each leg Two rounds of pullups warmup+exercise. Tue, May 23 2023 Andrew Tropin 2023-05-24 Chest and shoulders day: Warmup: Rubber band external 10x3 Leaning on the back ABS (crunches with flying legs) 15x3 Rubber band pull with leg 15x3 Explosive Pull-Ups (10-15m): 0kg 3x3, 15kg, 25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg Warmup: Yuri's rubber warmup 10x3 Push-ups (10-15m): Leaning forward Push-up 10x3 Ring Bring Together 10x3 Ring Push-up 10x3 Wed, May 24 2023 Andrew Tropin 2023-05-26 Back day: Warmup: - Yuri's rubber band exercise 10x3 Explosive Pull-Ups (10-15m): - 0kg 3x3, 15kg, 25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg Warmup: - Back delta pulls with rubber band 10x3 Oxi Pull-Ups (20m): - 25kg pull ups 4x3 - Horizontal pull-ups on rings 10x3 - Revers Ring Fly 10x3 - Swimmer 10x3 Sat, May 27 2023 Andrew Tropin 2023-05-28 Leg and shoulders day: No legs, no arms warmups. Warmup: Shoulder internal rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 Shoulder external rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 Yuri warmup Explosive Pull-Ups (10-15m): 0kg 3x3, 17.5kg, 27.5kg, 32.5kg, 37.5kg, 42.5kg Warmup: Side plank abs 10x2 each side Triceps on swedish ladder 10x3 Dragon flag 10s x3 Legs (15-20m): Lounges +20kg the whole gym and back x2 Bulgarian squats 10x3 for each leg Calfs 25-30x3 each leg Pull-ups 2: 10kg 6x3. Wrist bend supination 12kg dumbbell 10x3 Andrew Tropin 2023-05-31 Chest and shoulders day: Warmup: Rubber band external 10x3 Leaning on the back ABS (crunches with flying legs) 15x3 Rubber band pull with leg 15x3 Explosive Pull-Ups (10-15m): 0kg 3x3, 15kg, 25kg, 30kg, 35kg, 40kg Warmup: Yuri's rubber warmup 10x3 Push-ups (10-15m): Pike Stand with planche lean 10x2 Diamond Push-ups 10x2 Regular Push-ups (push hand together at the top) 10x2 Sun, Jun 4 2023 Andrew Tropin 2023-06-04 Leg and shoulders day: No legs, no arms climbing warmups. Warmup: Shoulder internal rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 Shoulder external rotation rubber band 10kg 10x3 Yuri warmup Explosive Pull-Ups (10-15m): 0kg 3x3, 17.5kg, 27.5kg, 32.5kg, 37.5kg, 42.5kg 0kg 2x2, 10kg 10x4 Warmup: Side plank abs 10x2 each side Triceps on swedish ladder 10x3 Dragon flag 10s x3 Legs (15-20m): Lounges +20kg the whole gym and back x2 Bulgarian squats 10x3 for each leg Calfs 25-30x3 each leg Pull-ups 2: 10kg 6x3. Wrist bend supination 12kg dumbbell 10x3 Wed, Jun 7 2023 Andrew Tropin # 2023-06-07 Chest and shoulders day: Warmup: - Rubber band external 10x3 - Yuri's rubber warmup 10x3 Chest : Bench press 30kg 10x3 Warmup: - Hyperextension 15x3 Pull/push (10-15m): - Hang and hold one hand 10s x5 - Pike Stand with planche lean 10x2 Wed, Jun 14 2023 Andrew Tropin 2023-06-14 Chest and shoulders day: Pull/push (10-15m): Hang and hold one hand 10s x5 Bench press 30kg 10x3 Pike Stand with planche lean 10x2 Cooldown: Wall legs crunches 15x3 Hyperextension 15x3 Side hypers 15x2 Wed, Jun 21 2023 Andrew Tropin # 2023-06-21 Chest and shoulders day: Warmup: - Hang and hold mixed hand 20mm 15mm 5-10s/round, up to 60s under tension per hand Pull/push (10-15m): - Bench press 35kg 10x3 - Pike Stand with planche lean 10x2 Cooldown: - Wall legs crunches 20x3 - Hyperextension 15x2 - Side hypers 15x2 Andrew Tropin Dumbbell rows 10x3 Sun, Jun 25 2023 Andrew Tropin # 2023-06-25 Leg and shoulders day: One arm Pull-Ups (10-15m): One arm Hangs swich every 5 seconds. 120, 90, 60. x5 Warmup: - Side plank abs 40sec x3 each side - Triceps on swedish ladder 10x3 - Dragon flag 10s x3 Legs (15-20m): - Squats +20kg 10x3 - Dragon squats 10x3 for each leg - Calfs 25-30x3 each leg