# All the pkgs from the home CRAN mirror that import 'dbplyr'
"arkdb", "bigrquery", "childesr", "chunked", "civis", "corrr", "cytominer", "dbplot",
"dbplyr", "dexter", "dexterMST", "dlookr", "dplyr", "dplyr.teradata", "etl",
"healthcareai", "hydrolinks", "implyr", "infuser", "ipumsr", "macleish", "mdsr",
"mlbgameday", "modeldb", "MonetDBLite", "mudata2", "parsemsf", "pivot", "pleiades",
"pool", "poplite", "RClickhouse", "replyr", "RPresto", "sergeant", "sparklyr",
"sqlscore", "srvyr", "taxizedb", "valr", "wordbankr", "metis.tidy"
) -> pkgs
# I ended up doing install.pkgs(pkgs)
# ^^ doesn't mean they implement a back-end, so we have to load their namespaces
# and see if they have the "tell" (i.e. they implement `sql_translate()`)
map_df(pkgs, ~{
pkg = .x,
trans = loadNamespace(.x) %>%
names() %>%
keep(stri_detect_fixed, "sql_translate")
}) -> xdf
# now we iterate through them, ignoring the NULL and Pool connection classes
filter(xdf, stri_detect_fixed(trans, ".")) %>%
filter(trans != "sql_translate_env.NULL") %>%
filter(trans != "sql_translate_env.Pool") %>%
mutate(ƒ = map(trans, ~{
# get the sql translate functions
con <- NA
cls <- stri_replace_first_fixed(.x, "sql_translate_env.", "")
class(con) <- cls
env <- sql_translate_env(con)
# but ^^ rly isn't a nice, tidy object, it's a list of environments
# with functions in it so we have to iterate through it to extract
# the function names.
map_df(env, ~{
part <- .x
fs <- names(part)
# but it's not just good enough to do that b/c a given function name
# might just implement the "sql_not_supported()" pass through. So we have
# to actually look to see if the function body has a "stop()" call in it
# and ignore it if it does.
map_df(fs, ~{
tibble(ƒ = .x, src = paste0(as.character(body(part[[.x]])), collapse = "; ")) %>%
filter(!stri_detect_fixed(src, "stop(")) %>%
filter(stri_detect_regex(ƒ, "[[:alpha:]]")) %>% # and we rly don't care about maths
})) -> xdf
# now it's just ggplot2 magic
unnest(xdf, ƒ) %>%
mutate(trans = stri_replace_first_fixed(trans, "sql_translate_env.", "")) %>%
mutate(db = glue::glue("{pkg}\n{trans}")) %>% # make something useful to display for the DB/conn
arrange(ƒ) %>%
mutate(n = 1) %>%
complete(db, ƒ) %>% # complete the heatmap
mutate(ƒ = factor(ƒ, levels=rev(unique(ƒ)))) %>% # arrangfe the Y axis in the proper order
filter(stri_detect_regex(ƒ, "[[:alpha:]]")) %>% # not necessary but this was in iteration 1 so I just left it
ggplot(aes(db, ƒ)) +
geom_tile(aes(fill = n), color="#2b2b2b", size=0.125, show.legend=FALSE) +
scale_x_discrete(expand=c(0,0.1), position = "top") +
scale_fill_continuous(na.value="white") +
x = NULL, y = NULL,
title = "SQL Function Support In Known d[b]plyr Backends"
) +
theme_ipsum_ps(grid="", axis_text_size = 9) +
theme(axis.text.y = element_text(family = "mono", size = 7))